Monday, 29 November 2010

indian textures

When in Kerala I stopped in a tourist town rather longer than I had too. This meant I met a lovely Parisian once and an Icelandic of course musical family twice, who were incidentally escaping financial crisis back home. I also met some goats who I photographed and as always some opportunistic young males. One day I took a stroll into the local fishing town and took some ok photos.
I like derelict places.

did alot of things
one was to describe hysteria
"that famous picture"

jab her in the ovaries - that'll make her mad


Whilst trying not to overindulge introspective thoughts I am now posting similarly self-centred thing - what I am reading about in books, journals, internet trash.

Monday, 8 November 2010

more ears

A few years back I researched and wrote up quite a lovely essay about cochlear implants. I subsequently forgotten everything or at least almost everything and I'm trying to get my head around the language again.
Who knew energy splatter was real?

I've been complementing the reading with Aphex twin / alarm will sound which focusses me. Either that or I listen when I am particularly focussed/ engrossed. Chicken/egg.

Energy splatter = "the spreading of spectral energy over frequency" - Introduction to the psychology of hearing, Brian CJ Moore.

In addition, I've began to become very distractable again, which is infuriating. I have spent 2 years at least waiting for Neurology/Psychiatry teaching and now not paid an enormous amount of attention to it.


image from